Why writing this book on Generative AI, Cybersecurity, and Ethics?
We often see two distinct groups: one breaking ethical boundaries and another striving to establish ethical rules and regulations. It is much easier to establish ethics at the beginning of technological innovation than to retrofit them later. Moreover, I recognized that there is limited work bridging these three critical domains — Generative AI, cybersecurity, and ethics — especially since ethics in AI itself is a relatively new and evolving research area.
With years of global experience in leadership roles across organizations and government, I aim to contribute by blending my expertise with existing research to help foster a world where ethics in Generative AI and cybersecurity are prioritized, laying the groundwork for responsible innovation and governance.
Book Link: https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Generative+AI%2C+Cybersecurity%2C+and+Ethics-p-9781394279326